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  1. We are a factory with 14+ years of experience on doing bags with Verified BSCI, DISNEY and Alibaba Verified Supplier.
  2. We strict quality control, we can video with you when goods in production line.
  3. Payment Security and Products Quality Assurance. You can make the payment throught the Third-party payment platform Alibaba Trade Assurance, it can be accepted a lot of payment methods: BOLETO, mastercard, visa, e-Checking, PAYLATER, T/T. It is a channel that attaches great importance to the safety and experience of buyers. It also has its own corresponding protection logistics channels. Products Quality Assurance. We hereby promise that if there is any quality problems on our products within one month, we will re-ship the goods, but the freight not included.

Before order, we can make samples for your checking as your requirements, sample delivery in 5-9 days, paid by Paypal, shipped by DHL/UPS/FedEx/TNT(3-5 days) or EMS (7-12 days) or China Post(9-19 days). You can also buy a sample from our RST products(Free shipping.Shipped by DHL).
Order PI and details confirmed by Alibaba insurance or email.
Before mass production, we will send a pre-production sample free to you for double confirmation.

Of course, we warmly welcome your own logo, just provide your logo file to us, the logo can screen print, embroidery, stamp on leather or woven label, engrave on rubber,etc.

Our payment term is 30% deposit, 70% balance before shipment. Sample by Paypal, order by T/T or Alibaba insurance account (T/T, E-checking, Credit card.)
Our payment account signed by our boss and with our official seal.Return back your money if our goods quality impacts your selling.(No one supplier can do this as like us.)

RTS goods will be ready 3-5 days, and ship it out as your order request shipping way.

Custom Goods will be finished in 45-55 days in normal after order details & deposit confirmed.
You can arrange to book the shipment by air or sea on 50th days and double confirm with us. And then copy the forwarder’s information to us.

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